Saturday, 12 May 2012

Time To Tan

With the sun coming out at last! It is time for all us ladies to look lovely and tanned and recently the T2G team has been using Famous Dave’s!

The T2G team has a lot of love for Famous Dave’s, as it was brilliant and might I add it lasts for ages! - I mean I can still see a huge difference a week later.

What was tried:

Famous Dave's Tanning Mousse, Gold Edition

With the funky Famous Dave’s tanning mitt, I got to work. The mousse has a green tint with gold hints inside – so the gold edition name was very fitting. As you put the tan on there is an instant colour, so you know exactly where you are applying the tan - for a bit of a novice it’s great. The mousses glides on evenly and effortlessly.
Famous Dave's Tanning Mousse Gold Edition, £28.99 (Boots)

The Result:

An all-over streak free tan, producing a lovely long-lasting colour, which was not too dark! It also has lovely smell a bit like coconut.

Famous Dave's Spray Tan, Medium-Dark

After using the Tanning Mousse and loving it, I was a little apprehensive to start using a different one. But if you want to go up another notch on the colour - this is perfect. This tan is loaded with moisturises, tan enhancers and skin smoothers.
Famous Dave's Spray Tan, Medium-Dark, £27.99 (Boots)

The Result:

A darker, streak free tan that smells delicious - definitely a salon-quality tan.

Famous Dave's Self Tan Wipes

This is a definite must for light packers and frequent flyers - these wipes are fast drying, highly convenient self tan wipes.
Famous Dave's Self Tan Wipes, £9.99 / 5 pack (Superdrug)

The Result:

A perfect quick tan for beauties on the go!

Tops Tips for the Perfect Tan:

1. Exfoliate well for the smoothest coverage.
2. Apply moisteriser on dry, harder skin before application.
3. Apply using long, overlapping circular motions.
4. Wash hands with warm soapy water after use.

So has anyone else tried Famous Dave’s? We would love to hear your fave tanning products :-)

The Time2Gossip Team



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